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Natural Propolis, Ball Shape, Ambrozia, 10 G

Propolis (bee glue) strengthens the immune system, increases the number of red blood cells. Propolis fight viral and bacterial organisms in the body.

Package Quantity: 10 g

Origin: Bulgaria

Ingredients: Propolis

For the production of propolis is collected only resinous substances. With these substances bees cover the walls of the hive and thus protect the royal family.

Propolis (bee glue) contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. It has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In the past, propolis is applied internally to combat bacteria, fungi, parasites and viral infections, including tuberculosis, candidiasis, malaria and colds. Propolis is often used to treat various mucosal diseases, including digestive tract ulcers and colitis. It is also suitable for topical use in offsets. The strong tissue-regenerating effect of propolis is probably due to its bioactive ingredients, including flavonoids, phenols, terpenes, benzoic acid, amino acids and vitamins.

Propolis stimulates the immune system and increases the number of red blood cells. Propolis fights the viral and bacterial organisms in the body.

Propolis has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-sclerotic, spasmolytic, antioxidant and detoxifying action. The use of propolis helps to lower blood pressure, acts as a generalizer and prevents the formation of tumors.

Propolis fights successfully with fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Propolis helps the body in the healing process can also be used to protect against seasonal viral infections.

Useful properties:

- antibacterial;
- antiviral;
- antibiotic;
- antifungal;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antioxidant.

Favorable action:

Propolis acts favorably in:

- gastritis;
- stomach ulcer;
- flu, cold, cough, angina or lymphatic inflammation;
- wounds;
- respiratory diseases;
- respiratory tract infections;
- burns;
- allergies.


100% propolis in ball shape.

Methods of application:

To make a propolis tincture:
Propolis is used as a 30% alcohol extract. Mix 70 ° alcohol with 30 g of propolis. The resulting mixture is left to stand for 5-6 days. Shake 4-5 times a day. The mixture is gently sifted through several layers of gauze. This extract is a durable product and can be used in adults with 25-30 drops in a small (30-40 ml) of water or milk in the morning fasting 15-20 minutes before meals.

To make an aqueous extract:
30 g of propolis (3 balls) is cut into pieces and placed in an enameled container. Cool with 300 ml of cold water. Place the container in a water bath to boil in a low heat for 45 minutes. Allow to cool and stand for 6-12 hours. The resulting wax is removed and the liquid is poured into a dark vessel. The resulting mixture has a shelf life of about 10 days.

External use:
Propolis is applied externally in the form of ointments, compresses, gargles and emulsions.

Packing: 1 pc (10 g)

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